Our attempts at shooting night sky

Vova and I are exposed to mainstream culture, that’s why last autumn we’d looked at a great number of the night sky photos and tried it ourselves. Unfortunately, our experience didn’t turn out to be very successful for a variety of reasons.

The first one is equipment: an entry-level DSLR with small image sensor… When you take a photo in a daytime the result is ok, but at night, when you make ISO more than 100, photos become too “noisy”. You can see it on the photo below (the most part of noise I tried to reduce in PS).

Dark night sky

The next problem is dead pixels. We didn’t think about it but after the night shooting! Do you see these small white spots in the sky? Do you think it’s stars? No, it isn’t. We have such a starry night on photos even with a covered lens ;)

So, now we decided to change our equipment gradually and began to examine closely Canon 5D in different variants.

P.S. In spite of everything Orion looks fabulous!

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